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Play & Create [February 9th 10am-1pm]

Play & Create [February 9th 10am-1pm]

Regular price $52.00 Sale

Join us for Play & Create! This program is offered from 10am-1pm for children ages 22 months and up. Children do NOT need to be potty trained to attend. This is not a drop-in program. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO ATTEND.

**Registration closes at NOON on Friday February 7th**

PROGRAM GUIDELINES - Some things to expect when attending a program at Early Start:
-enter the school and find your child's labeled cubby
-change shoes, and put their labeled lunch kit & water bottle into the plastic container near the gate
-say goodbyes

-registration form  will need to be completed prior to entering the program. This can be printed/brought or signed at the door
-children showing signs of infection or sickness will be sent home
-refunds and credit will not be issued for any missed classes due to sickness.

- Nut-Free Snacks
- Water Bottle
- Change of clothes
- Indoor Shoes
- Diapering supplies (no pull ups unless potty training)
PLEASE LABEL ALL ITEMS FOR US (lunch kit & water bottle)

++ SIBLING DISCOUNT AVAILABLE $5 off per child. 
Use the code "siblings"

Credit Policy:
If your child(ren) can no longer attend you will need to notify us by email ( 72 hours in advance for a partial credit (50%). No refunds available. Credits will not be issued for “Limited Edition” programs. All Early Start programs have a minimum registration requirement and if that is not met a full credit will be issued. For use of credits, there will be 2 spots open per program for credits to be used. These are on a first come first serve basis and once those spaces are full - payment is required to participate or another program must be chosen. All credits will expire within 90 days of issue. New Policy Effective January 2020